Permanently Closed as of 12/31/2023
80-1 Lyme Street · Old Lyme, CT 06371
Silvina Mizrahi
I’m an Argentinian American interdisciplinary artist and art educator based in Boston. My works is fueled by my beliefs in Art as a tool that help us to connect, to heal and to embrace our differences.
I like to work with different medias and techniques that can express more accurate the purpose of the project.
My works encompasses figurative bronze sculptures, abstract expressionist mixed media paintings, recycled materials sculptures (created with the communities) and public art.
My art is a mirror of my experiences as immigrant, memories from my childhood, Jewish traditions and my commitment to environmental causes.
I was born and raised in the small town of Tucuman, Argentina. As a child, I loved making sculptures out of materials I found around the house. I received her Degree in Fine Arts at the University of Tucuman. I next moved to Buenos Aires to be trained in sculpture under the supervision of A.D’aniello and A. Pujia. While in Buenos Aires, I also studied dance and theatre, a training that is reflected in her dynamic sculptures.
I exhibit my works in Galleries and Museums Internationally (Jerusalem Center for Performing arts, Museo Timoteo Navarro, Argentina; Arco Baleno, Uruguay; MFA Boston, and Maison de L’Argentine du Paris, France, among others, and I’m currently a Selected Artist at The Cove Gallery in Wellfleet, MA). I received several awards, including the Nathaniel Bushward Award from the Copley Society, the Juror Choice from the Thomas Menino Art Center in Boston and in 2017 she was selected “One of the 100 most influential people for the Latino Community in Boston” by el Planeta, Boston.
"Mizrahi approaches a kind of human condition from the figure, without meaning a reproduction, an imitation, neither a process of mimesis. Her delicate figures denote a marked expressionism, and their characteristic deformation, talk about this condition."
La Gaceta, Tucuman, Argentina 1997
“Mizrahi takes us on a journey into her world. Hers is a figurative work of delicate sculpture--people flung about in a frenzy of dance, figures frozen in a static embrace, images of love and emergence. This work is at once mystifying, and grounded in human experience.” Daniel Lahoda, Curator, The Equator Gallery, Boston, 2001
“Silvina also studied dance with, among others, the Martha Graham School and is an accomplished dancer and choreographer. This interest is clearly evident in her lovely figurative sculptures, executed in bronze employing the lost wax method. Her attenuated figures literally dance and float on their pedestals.”
The Rice/Polak Gallery, Provincetown, Massachusetts 2003